Time in Orenburg

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Russian Adoption Journey

This is our journey to adopt a child from Russia. We have just started this journey and will be providing updates as things progress. A little bit about our history, we were about to start the journey to adopt a child about four years ago (2004) when it looked like all of our Invitro-fertilization attempts had failed. Then we were blessed with a miracle, the last attempt at implanting the last of our frozen embryos actually worked. So all adoption processing came to a halt. Our daughter was born in February 2005. Now that we are settled it is time to once again start the process to adopt another child or two and complete our family. We have decided to adopt from Russia due to knowing a bit about the culture and I possess a basic understanding the language for the most part. Like I said this is the beginning of our journey and we will be adding to this journey as things progress. This is my first attempt at a blog. I will try to add feelings and frustrations as I know that the international adoption journey can be difficult at times. Hopefully this will be a journal for our child in the future as well as information source for others progressing through the adoption process. As a world traveler and adventurer, I am looking forward to the journey and sharing this journey with you.

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